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A large-scale tasting of Georgian wine was held in New York

A large-scale tasting of Georgian wine was held in New York

With the support of the National Wine Agency, a large-scale tasting of Georgian wine was held in New York
In the United States of America, in the city of New York, a large-scale tasting of Georgian wine was held with the support of the National Wine Agency and the agency's contractor American marketing company "Colangelo & Partners".
The event included a Georgian wine tasting and a master class and was attended by about 200 guests working in the field of wine: importers, distributors, wine writers, famous New York sommeliers and journalists.
Wine professionals had the opportunity to get to know the wines of more than 30 Georgian wine producing companies with different denominations.
Such events contribute to increasing the awareness of Georgian wine and finding new trade partners in the United States of America, which is a strategic market for Georgian wine and where wine quality standards and the export price of Georgian wine are particularly high.
"Colangelo & Partners" has been carrying out the marketing campaign of Georgian wine in the USA since 2022, within the framework of the contract with the National Wine Agency. Colangelo & Partners is one of the largest marketing companies that has been operating on the American market for more than 15 years. Next year, within the framework of the Georgian wine marketing campaign, organized by the company Colangelo & Partners, the Georgian wine marketing campaign planned in the United States of America includes the strategic directions that should ensure the increase in the awareness of Georgian wine and the demand for Georgian wine in the US market.

Georgian Wine